Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday Mornings

Saturday mornings are a letdown. I remember being a kid and Saturday mornings were this great source of relief and relaxation. I'd wake up to the P-Funk playing from the 8-track over those smelly speakers that my Dad was holding on to since the 1970's and pancakes. Then we'd watch wrestling together and while he was washing dishes I'd round it out with the Cartoon Express. Then I'd go read for a bit. I'm a nerd. I took books everywhere.
However, when I wake up on Saturdays lately, my body aches. My toes feel cramped and the ball of my left foot echoes sharpness. That's before I realize what day it is. "Oh, it's Saturday." This is where the reasoning comes into play, "Well, it's Saturday. I have to work. That's like cardio. Maybe..." I know damn well that I need to get up and go to the gym. I'll feel better once I get there. I also know that as soon as I wake up I need to eat and cook a ridiculous amount of food but I don't want to move because I'm in the most perfect cocoon of sheets and blankets with achey feet.
So, I stall. Which leads me to right now. I'm typing instead of cooking and listening to Lady Antebellum. Yeah. That's right. I'm listening to one song by a country band. It's good. Stop giving me the side eye. I'm going to make breakfast now:
1/2 cup of oatmeal
2 tbs of pb
2 tbs of slivered almonds
1 cup skim milk
1.5 scoops vanilla whey protein
1/4 cup organic vanilla pourable yogurt.

Then I'm doing back. Also, I'm listening to this. It's kind of like 90's ish. I like:

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